Excellent Mascara Tips For Beautiful Lashes

Are you in need of some helpful mascara tips? I have some that will make the process of application easier. Many women out there struggle to get longer and thicker lashes. Mascara is the ultimate product that will enhance your lashes and make your eyes look sexy. But if you don’t use it the right way, you risk getting uneven lumpy and spider lashes. And you really don’ want that to ruin your makeup look. Read on and find out more!



Start with curling

If you don’t have the time to curl your lashes, you will rethink it. Curled lashes will open up your eyes and lift up the look. If your eyelashes are too difficult to curl, heat the curler slightly with a blowdryer before you start.


Use a new mascara

The mascara is a product that you should be careful with. Always check the expiry date on the package, as old products are prone to bacteria development. You don’t want any bacteria to come in contact with your eyes. On the other hand, old mascara isn’t as effective as a new one.


Remove excess from the wand

With a paper tissue, remove the excess mascara from the wand. Even then you can apply it on your lashes. The thing is that you should apply thin layers of mascara. Apply one, wait for it to dry, and apply the second one. This way, your mascara won’t look lumpy and sticky.


Are you tempted to remove the excess on the top of the and by scraping it off the opening of the package? Don’t do this anymore. Yes, we are all guilty of trying to remove the mascara on the top of the wand, so that it won’t mess your application. When you scrape it off the edge, it will stay there. The mascara will dry out and break down. The small lumps will get back inside the tube, and you will apply them on your lashes next time you apply mascara. This is the most common mistake that women make. And it is the reason for having those little lumps on your lashes. Next time, don’t do it.


Right way to apply mascara

Place the wand at the bottom of the lashes. Start going up slowly, with gentle wiggling motions. Go left and right as you lift the wand from the roots of your lashes. Or, you can rotate the wand as you blink. When it is dry, apply some on the top of the lashes on the ends of the eye. This will lift them up and shape the eye.


Avoid pumping the wand

Do you take the wand and pump it in and out of the package? We have all done this, and now we can stop it. Why? Because it will get more air inside the tube, causing your product to dry. On the other hand, it will get lots of the product on the wand, which is a step that you want to avoid. We already talked that too much product can make your lashes look clumpy.
