
Fashion and Mothers- Clothing and Grooming Guide

Fashion and Mothers- Clothing and Grooming Guide

Wearing the right type of clothing is an important aspect of fashion for mothers. Clothes are both functional and expressive. They enable you to express who you are while facilitating your lifestyle. Whether you wear expensive or affordable items, your clothes should always be high quality, stylish and appropriate. Dress Well Everyday The clothes that Continue reading Fashion and Mothers- Clothing and Grooming Guide

Passionate Artistry Yields Perpetual Fashion

Passionate Artistry Yields Perpetual Fashion

Trends Are Illusory Today’s fashionable individual will be a bit more considerate of older trends. With the “hipster” movement has come a trend re-evaluating old styles; but some styles are intrinsically fashionable. If someone gave you a diamond ring from 1795, would the style in which the ring were presented matter very much? Or is Continue reading Passionate Artistry Yields Perpetual Fashion

5th Birthday Sale of Sammydress

5th Birthday Sale of Sammydress

Hey my lovely fashion divas! Today, we are here to introduce the 5th Birthday Sale of Sammydress. Sammydress is a leading global online wholesale supplier of the latest in lifestyle products, home & living, children’s toys, intimate lingerie, fashion jewelry, wigs, casual dresses, bags, accessories, men and women’s shoes, women and men’s clothing and many more fascinating items Continue reading 5th Birthday Sale of Sammydress

How to Choose the Right Corset for Your Body Type

How to Choose the Right Corset for Your Body Type

When you’re shopping for a corset, you may initially find yourself overwhelmed by the plethora of options available.  Without the right amount of knowledge beforehand, you could end up choosing a corset that doesn’t suit your body type structurally or aesthetically.  It’s definitely important to choose a corset that you feel is beautiful and stylish. Continue reading How to Choose the Right Corset for Your Body Type