Re-Visiting the Traditional and Modern Wedding Anniversary List

Life is perpetual and it keeps changing with each passing year and so does your marriage. The

association that you share with each other modifies and passes through different stage of turbulence

and love but some people like to stick to each other through their thick and thin. This is what love is

and this is how each passing year makes your bond stronger and better. You might have known the

traditional and modern anniversary gifts, we have just re-visited them and have come up with a

modified and exciting version of anniversary gifts for wife and husband to make the celebration for

both of them.

Anniversary gifts for wife

If you are celebrating your first anniversary then as per the traditional gift you should be going be

with paper and as per the modern anniversary gift, clock is the gift to be given to your spouse. We

thought of coming up with a modified version of the two and hence thought of coming up with a

coffee book table which consists of a collection of all the memorable photographs especially the

wedding photos. And as for the modern anniversary gift you can even purchase engraved wall clock.

For second anniversary how about sharing the same cotton blanket to make it utterly mushy and

romantic because cotton is the gift on the traditional list. As for the modern second anniversary gift,

you can pick up an antique vase which can be placed on your bedside.

Gifting some thoughtful and which is high on utility will be equally nice, how about buying a perfect

leather bag, wallet or shoes for each other. It is sure to be useful for the couple and at the same time

on the contrary the modern choice allows you to buy a twin pair of wine glasses to celebrate the


If you want to win your loved ones heart on their fourth anniversary the traditional lists focusses on

linen, silk or flowers. How about coming up with perfect wedding anniversary gift for wife which

comprises of a full bunch of thousand flowers. And on the off-beat the modern list allows you to buy

some appliances which is high on utility.

anniversary gifts for wife

If it is your fifth anniversary, you should be planning something really different and unique. Since

wood is the thing to be purchased, how about going with a coffee table or a wooden planter which the

two of you can watch them grow, it will be a great symbolic of the growing association of the two of

you. As for the modern choice, you have got an excellent excuse to buy silver sterling.