What To Know About Designing Your Own Engagement Ring

Designing your own custom engagement ring may not be for everyone, but if you’re already crafting or love making custom jewelry, or just have the slightest interest in jewelry making, it can be a great option.

Woman Receiving Engagement Ring

With Pinterest and all of the other widely available inspiration, more women are opting to go the road less traveled, and rather than choosing an engagement ring on display in a store, are customizing it to their tastes. Your engagement ring is something you’re theoretically going to wear for the rest of your life, so why not make it special and all your own, particularly if you already love exercising your creative skills?

So what should you know if you’re a hobbyist jewelry maker who wants to step your game up to include your engagement ring?

Learn the Basics

Even though you might be experienced in the creation of jewelry at a costume level, it can be a whole different prospect to work with something as valuable as a diamond and the setting that you’ll design for your engagement ring. Get to know at least the basics of diamonds using a site or guides like those found on Diamonds.pro. If you know the technical details, you’ll be better equipped to share your vision with the jeweler, and get what you want.

Give Yourself a Head Start

If you’re simply selecting an engagement ring at your local jeweler, in some instances you may be able to pick it out and take it home that day. If you’re creating a custom piece of jewelry, this obviously isn’t going to be the case. Give yourself plenty of time to create the design and have it made, without putting any stress on yourself or your fiance. You’ll typically visit a jeweler, have them create a sketch, then they’ll give you a raw mold. At that point you can make any other alterations you choose, and from there the final version will be put together.

Be Willing To Experiment

Even though you might have the exact concept of what you want your ring to look like already in mind, it doesn’t hurt to do a little experimenting during the design process. You might discover that a particular style or setting works better for you than what you had in mind. The process of creating your engagement ring is all about you and your fiance, so have fun with it and don’t limit yourself in terms of the style.

Choose the Right Jeweler

As a final note, the process of designing your engagement ring is one that’s incredibly personal. That’s why it’s so important to choose a reputable jeweler, quality materials, and also to work with someone you trust and feel comfortable with. You want to be able to share your opinions and also feel comfortable making changes or suggestions, so find someone you think you can work well with.

If you love making jewelry or crafting, it can be rewarding to put your creativity into your engagement ring, and make a one-of-a-kind piece no one else will ever be able to replicate.