Family Fitness: Activity Suggestions

Did you know that childhood obesity rates have tripled during the past 30 years? Today, nearly one in six children and one in four adults is overweight or obese, and the latest statistics show that these rates are tending to increase dramatically.

This eventually leads to diabetes (which affects 1/3 of all children born since 2000), as well as different heart disease, joints problems, and other preventable weight-related issues.

Here’s why activities like family fitness are getting more and more popular these days. Parents feel like they’re the ones responsible for their children’s health so that involving all the family into sports sounds like a perfect solution.


The most common reason for not keeping fit is lack of time and even more frequently – a trivial laziness. However, I believe that the last one is not a matter of willpower only but definitely goes somewhere deeper. If you “feel lazy” about something, maybe you just don’t have enough motivation to act?

That’s exactly what I gonna give you right now! A couple of answers to your “WHY?s”, the reasons to force yourself, a magic push – whatever you want – it’s right here:

  1.    Families That Play Together Stay Together

Indeed! Fun exercises are a great daily routine to bond the family, spending time together.

Wanna hang out with your teens? Make it more competitive – they’ll want to kick your butt every time. Wanna involve young kids? Turn the activity into a game, a fairy-tale to promote their interest.

  1.    Staying Healthy and Active = Better Quality of Life

None can argue the importance of keeping the whole family healthy and fit. Referring to the facts about childhood obesity, mentioned above, it’s quite logical to conclude that the earlier we encourage kids exercising, the better. Isn’t it an ideal investment into your child’s future?

Besides, staying active in adulthood will undoubtedly play into your hands during the elder years, lowering heart attack risks, controlling weight, preventing all those problems of aging.

And what can you get instead? A bunch of amazing opportunities to do whatever you want, living your healthy full life!

  1.    Create Your Family’s History

You’re building memories daily through every little thing you do. What’re your kids gonna remember about their growing up? Will these memories be followed by a smile or disgust? Or maybe there won’t be anything to look back at?

  1.    Learn to Support and Encourage Each Other

Family fitness is exactly how you can teach your kids (and yourself!) to be supportive, which is really a cool skill to have. Can you imagine all the magic of the moment when your daughter applauds you for a fantastic competition, even though you’ve lost; or your son tells you that you did a great job, running 3 miles? Encouragement is the main jumping-off point for reaching any goals. To make sure you are teaching your family how to exercise in a safe manner you may want to take a fitness instructor course. What could be more rewarding than being with people you love on your way to success, and celebrating it together with them?

  1.    Learning Together

One thing you have to put up with is that it’s not only you (parents) who can teach something. Yep, your kids can also give you a great lesson.

Investigate the world of family exercise together, allow your children to be the teachers – take this opportunity for lots of chatting and fun together.


In the modern world of fantastic opportunities, there are special clubs and programs, offering family exercise, as well as lots of activities for family fitness at home.

So, here are some fun (and budget-friendly!) ideas that will get every member of your family off the couch, helping you burn some calories while bonding your souls.
Choose the best supportive running shoes and go ahead!