Common Myths About A Healthy Diet

If asked, many would give different suggestions in regards to the effects of low carb diets. Some might say that they are not recommendable, they are only applicable to a workout, or some might say you might gain weight among others. At this point, you are probably now confused and you don’t know which one is a fact and which one is not. There are, however, many facts out there but due to the current emerging simulated science; it can even be more difficult to believe. A healthy diet is crucial to our body development. With the carbohydrates that they contain, we are able to get enough energy so as to be active. This article summarizes the common myths about a healthy diet.

# Myth 1: Carbs Will Make You Fat

Reality: people have been blaming many health issues to various items such as on sugar, red meat, gluten and the list is endless. Recently, carbs have also been included among them. However, the fact is that for people to gain weight after eating carb are not that it is the reason, but, most probably, because people are often overeating the carb. Obviously, if you take more than what your body requires, then you must be prepared to gain weight.

# Myth 2: Take Fewer Carbs for Effectiveness

Reality: since, everyone’s nutritional requirements differ, the current suitable macronutrient distribution range for carbs is 45 to 65 percent of a total daily caloric intake. Since the everyday caloric needs can be different, it is vital to think about carbs as a percentage of your daily total. For example, an average person who eats 1,800 calories per day should aim for 810 to 1,170 of those calories to come from carbohydrates. Although taking less carbs can help you avoid having constipation while on keto, you will still need plenty of it for a complete and successful Keto diet.

# Myth 3: Your Kidneys Will Sustain Damage from the High Protein Consumption

Reality: according to research, this is the most factious statement to be said against a healthy diet. This is because, the low carb diets, most probably the Ketogenic diets have the lowest levels of proteins. Instead, they are full of fat and little protein consumption. For that reason, our kidneys are much safer due to the fact that proteins are harmless to cause any damage. For that matter, unless you have experienced a kidney disease prior to starting your Keto diet then you have nothing to worry.

Myth 4: A Low Carb, High Protein Diet Will Cause the Body to Excrete Calcium, and Result in Osteoporosis

Reality: since Ketogenic diet is a low protein diet, it is rich in fat and is a reasonable protein diet. This is despite the fact that proteins are a vital substance for strong bones. Automatically, it therefore means that the low carb, high protein diet intake is a good way to prevent osteoporosis. This is possible due to the additional calcium and adequate vitamin D in our body that works alongside the proteins to achieve this. According to research, people who take low protein diet are usually prone to hip fracture. As observed, the condition makes the bones to worsening thus becoming light and weak. High protein diet intake is only a solution to better stronger bone hence no osteoporosis can be experienced.

To conclude, just like any other form of nutrition, carbs are very important. If taken in the right portion, with no less or no too much, the user is set to receive better outcomes. Just ensure that you take it appropriately and consequently, you can be full of energy and nothing to do with factious myths.