5 Ways To Get A Natural Tan This Summer with CoolTan


One of the best things about summer is spending time outside and getting your glow on. But one of the worst things is figuring out a way to avoid awkward tan lines to get an overall, natural looking tan. Aside from baring it all (which is often not practical) or using potentially damaging tanning beds, it can seem pretty much impossible to avoid those tan lines. But California-based company CoolTan is changing the tanning game with their revolutionary, uniquely patented tan-through shirts and swimwear. Here are 5 ways to get a natural tan this summer with CoolTan’s Tan-Through products:

  • Swimshirts and Suits Work Like a Medium Level Sunscreen:

CoolTan swimshirts and swimsuits contain uniquely formulated Microsol fabric, a breathable, porous fabric allow approximately half of the sun’s light in to the same degree as a medium level sunscreen.  CoolTan still recommends using sunscreen as some of that skin hasn’t been exposed to the sun at all, but it’s nice to know that your clothing or swimsuit is also offering a base layer of protection to keep your skin glowing without getting burnt. Perfect for getting that all-over, even tan.

  • Tan Through All Your Favorite Activities:

CoolTan Tan Through shirts and swimwear are incredibly comfortable and lightweight, making them a perfect choice for not only tanning at the beach but also boating, going on vacations, or even just relaxing in your backyard. With styles for both women and men you are sure to find something to make your outdoor activities even better.

  • Microsol Fabric Keeps you Cool and Dry:

Not only is CoolTan’s Microsol fabric great as a medium-level sunscreen, but it is incredibly comfortable and keeps you cool on hot summer days. Air and water flow right through the fabric, making it light and breathable, and dries quickly to avoid that soggy swimsuit feel and help you get the perfect tan with no extra work needed.

  1. Variety of Different Products to Suit your Needs:

CoolTan caters to more modest tastes with their 1-piece swimsuits in addition to more revealing bikinis, so you can find the level of comfort you need to rock that natural tan. But they also know that it’s not always possible to be laid out on the beach in a swimsuit, which is why CoolTan have introduced a unique line of TanThrough shirts and tank tops to help you get an effortless tan while going about your daily activities and errands.

  1. Vitamin D Health Benefits Without Harmful Skin Damage:

Vitamin D is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” and is incredibly important in maintaining overall health. But too much time in the sun without skin protection can be damaging to your skin, which is why we recommend using CoolTan’s swimwear and shirts to get Vitamin D exposure while also protecting your skin. Used with a base-level of sunscreen it’s the perfect combo to protect your skin while getting your daily Vitamin D!

So, what do you think about CoolTan’s TanThrough products? We hope this list of 5 Ways To Get a Natural Tan This Summer has inspired you to give CoolTan’s products a try, they really are an easy and unique way to get a natural, overall tan!